Levels of Support
Since 1995, we have given more than $156,500 in scholarship awards to student researchers and early career professionals. Your donations are very much appreciated and are directly benefit Rocky Mountain geologists of the future. A list of past donors may be found here.
COPPER Level ............................................... Up to $99
SILVER Level ................................................. $100 to $499
GOLD Level .................................................... $500 to $999
PLATINUM Level ........................................... $1000 and above
How to Give
We accept donations of any size to any of the scholarships listed below. Thank you donors!
Option A: DONATION FORM (PDF) >> Print, complete & mail it back to us
Option B: DONATE ONLINE VIA PayPal >> Click the button below
Our Scholarships
TRGS scholarships support student and professional research projects through cash awards. Awards typically range from $250 to $2500 and are meant to offset the costs of field work, travel, and sample processing. Awards are given to applicants who have submitted excellent research proposals for work in the Northern Rocky Mountain region. The number of applicants increases year after year, as does the nature and breadth of the geologic questions posed. Your gifts help fund the work of some truly remarkable young geologists. Thank you donors!
The Harrison Scholarship
Harrison Scholarships support students working on projects involving Precambrian rocks. Established by Jack Harrison in 1995 with an initial bequest of $6,000. This fund is a perpetual endowment. The principal is not spent, but generates interest income that is used to fund cash awards.
>> Current Endowment = $12,750 (March 2024)
The TRGS Scholarship
Established in 1994 by the Board of Directors with an initial contribution of $6,000 and sustained by additional donations. This fund is a perpetual endowment. The principal is not spent, but generates interest income that is used to fund cash awards.
>> Current Endowment = $12,940 (March 2024)
The M. Dean Kleinkopf Scholarship
Kleinkopf Scholarships support geophysical and geologic investigations in the northern Rocky Mountains. Established in 2015 by Nancy Kleinkopf in memory of Dean, long time member, officer, and supporter of the TRGS. The Kleinkopf Scholarship Scholarship is a spendable fund which supports scholarships directly.
The Michael Thompson Foster and Peter Kinnison Foster Scholarship
Foster Scholarships support researchers and explorationists who best exemplify the prospector ethic - those with a demonstrated interest and ability in mineral exploration, field research, or economic pursuits which advance our knowledge of mineral commodities and public commitment to responsible mining. Established in 1999 by long time supporter Rob Foster in memory of his sons, Michael and Peter. The Foster Scholarship is a spendable fund which supports scholarships directly.
The Richard I. Gibson TRGS Travel Fund
Established in 2015 with an initial gift of $5000 by founding member Dick Gibson. This is a spendable fund which specifically travel expenses to TRGS meetings by undergraduate students, graduate students, and early-career professionals in the Geosciences. "Early career" is up to age 30 at time of the award.
The Gibson-TRGS Field Course Award for Excellence
Attention Field Camp Professors! Nominate your best field students for this $250 award.
See informational brochure >> Gibson-TRGS Field Course Excellence Award
The Betty Skipp Research Award for Field Studies in the Rocky Mountains
Given in honor of Betty Skipp, to women M. S. or Ph. D. students for research with a significant component of original geological fieldwork in Idaho, Montana, Utah, Colorado, or Wyoming. If funds are sufficient, men may also be supported.
The Belt Association Scholarship(s) go to students working on a field-based project involving Belt Supergroup or correlative rocks.
The Sibanye-Stillwater Scholarship(s) go to students working on a projects associated with mining or mineral exploration.
A Note on Administrative Costs
We strive to keep the costs of administering all TRGS programs to an absolute minimum. Nearly all of the work done by the Society is done by volunteers. Be assured, your gift directly benefits students and their work in the field.